The Japanese MMD Community is very strong and very active. The MMD program was introduced in Japan about 2007, without an English translation until 2010. Featuring a high-style Japanese feel, MikuMikuDance has caught-on around the globe with tens of thousands of users and millions of MMD videos uploaded world-wide. MikuMikuDance is a free 3D animation software developed as a promotional element for fans of the Sony/Sega Vocaloid product.

You can make an animation, and depending on the quality of the video you need, pay for export. In case you need to export only one HD video, Renderforest offers a pay-per-product option as well.

You can learn more about the export quality each subscription plan offers on our pricing page.

Renderforest currently offers three export qualities: 360p, HD720, and HD1080. In this case as well, the quality of your export will depend on your subscription plan. In what quality can I export my animations?.More detailed information about the maximum allowed duration is available on our pricing page. The length of your animation can be from 3 minutes to up to 1-hour animations. The allowed duration of the animations you create with our online animation maker will vary depending on your subscription plan. The animated videos can be from 3 minutes up to 60 minutes long. How long can videos created with Renderforest animation maker be?.