Select the 'Standard Skeleton', which should be default. You can also enabled Shape Blends, but I don't think that matters. You do want the Standard Skeleton, which gives you the most bones.

5) Find some animations (I choose the Melee Combat Pack, which contains a series of sword wielding animations). Save to Assets, Download, and unzip into a folder. 6) Using the iClone 3DXchange Pipleline, import the main FBX file (e.g. Go to the Character Options (You can hit 'N' to shortcut there), and convert to Non-Standard. 7) In the Presets, select MayaHuman-IK, then 'Activate' and keep the 00_Tpose option selected, and Convert. 8) Go to the Animations (hit 'M' to shortcut there). Import the remaining FBX files into your Play List, then 'Add All to Perform'. #MIXAMO FUSE CLOTHING PACK FREE HOW TO#.