That is what professional email signatures do. The right kind of gif – a fluent and nice-looking animation, which goes well with the rest of the signature, is likely to give the professional vibe and leave a long-standing feeling of trust.

The email signature picture used as an email banner size a max-width of 700 pixels, and a max-height of 100 pixels. The best signature size in pixels should be around 300-400 pixels in width and 70–100 pixels in height (with approximate 70 dpi). Step 2: Click on the Insert option in Google Docs followed by Image to add an image that you want to hyperlink. Step 1: Open any Google Docs document on your PC.

Select the Insert image option ( Figure A ), then navigate to the image you want. Step #2: Then select "Settings" and go the way down to where …In the signature area to the right, enter and format any text or links you want in your signature.

Once the drag is anywhere that you can drop it, the icon changes to a small "pin & paper" with the word Link next to it.

This is why I suggested shrinking all your windows, so that it's easier to find an open space on the desktop to drop it. As you drag it you will see a small version of the "unavailable" icon (shown large, below) while it is anywhere that you cannot drop it: you click but do not release the left mouse button on the iTunes icon and drag it.