Door's locked? Burn through with your wrist-mounted cutting laser and kick it down!.

Overpower enemies with Jango's deadly arsenal including his trademark dual blaster pistols, missile-equipped jetpack, flamethrower, toxic darts, sniper rifle, and more.Intense action driven by a compelling story that explains how Jango Fett was chosen to be the source for the clone army seen in Attack of the Clones, told through gameplay and cinematic sequences created by Industrial Light & Magic This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Star Wars Bounty Hunter for PlayStation 2.If youve discovered a cheat youd like to add to the page, or have a.Third-person 3D action-adventure spans 18 levels on six huge worlds, including Coruscant, Tatooine, as well as a maximum-security asteroid prison.